i have found my old oil pastels, and its just wonderful. i forgot how much i love drawing and painting. a large portion of my free time use to be spent painting and creating images and ideas. now it seems to be coming back to me again, i guess a year break from it made me just realize how much i need to do these sorts of things.

well i hope i can show you few who look, more of what goes on im my brain. i also hope i can create more and more colour in my world, and your world too.


ps. if you have some drawings you would like to give away.
i would love to have them, i always fill my room with
things that i make, but i never have other peoples
creations. so if you have something you would like to
get off your head onto paper, then get rid of it. i will
take it off your hands with love.


  1. i like that rainbow mountain!! maybe i will work on something for a trade.......?

    i like your idea. but....i'll probably make you something and you'll put it up for like a month and then give it back to me and forget that i gave it to you and then i'll get sad cuz i'll think you don't like it but you are actually just forgetful and then your walls will be bare again because you'll change your mind about the whole thing and decide to put up blank newsprint from floor to ceiling and have everyone you know come over and graffiti it with markers and paint in drippy things like eye droppers and ketchup bottles and stencils of pluto and E-OR....so maybe you should just do that instead?

    i still want the rainbow mountain if you don't want it though.

  2. hahahahaha this was funny,i would give you the rainbow mountain
    but its on a the back of a canvas i gave chris....oops.........i cant give it
    away....but i am working on a whole new rainbow mountain if our interested.
